Gold Coast Advertising

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Local Events section added to Gold Coast Advertising

We have now added a new section to our Gold Coast Advertising website.

Now you can add all your favourite local events, to view any events that are on and coming soon, click the What's On link on the top menu, if you want to add a local event to the What's On event listing page, log into your GC Ads account and on the users menu on the right hand side, click the Submit an event link, it's simple and easy to do.

We would love to hear all about local events that are happening through-out the Gold Coast and surrounding areas, remember by posting your local event on Gold Coast Advertising, you have the added advantage of getting more exposure and a greater audience for your local event and it's free.

What are you waiting for, start posting your local events today.

New security measures added


Just recently you may or may not have noticed that the Gold Coast Advertising website got hacked, it crashed and was out of order for a couple of days.


Well did we learn a whole lot more since that happened.


We have now implemented new security measures to prevent that from happening again, they include,



  • Captura symbols added to all public forms
  • SSL digital certificate to secure all the website
  • All new and existing classified ads are now checked before they go live
  • New firewall systems added to website and updated regularly
  • All website systems are updated and regularly updated on a daily basis
  • New memberships to website use the Captura symbols


Well hope this was not to hard to understand, but our number one aim here at Gold Coast Advertising is to ensure you and your data is safe and secure and that your experience is a most enjoyable one, as we value everyone of our customers.



Fresh new look for Gold Coast Advertising


Welcome to our brand new classifieds for the Gold Coast.


We have dramatically changed the look and feel of Gold Coast Advertising, the changes that have been made include the following,



  • New layout with login and register buttons up the top of the page
  • new promotion system making it easier to promote your ad

10 things you should know about coffee


HERE are 10 lesser-known facts about one of the most common drugs in the world.

Decaf isn't the same as caffeine-free.

Think switching to decaf in the afternoon means you aren't getting any of the stimulant? Think again. One Journal of Analytical Toxicology report looked at nine different types of decaffeinated coffee and determined that all but one contained caffeine.
The dose ranged from 8.6 mg to 13.9 mg. In comparison a generic brewed cup of regular coffee typically contains between 95 and 200 mg. A can of Coke contains between 30 and 35 mg, according to the Mayo Clinic.
"If someone drinks five to 10 cups of decaffeinated coffee, the dose of caffeine could easily reach the level present in a cup or two of caffeinated coffees," said study co-author Bruce Goldberger from the Maples Center for Forensic Medicine.
"This could be a concern for people who are advised to cut their caffeine intake, such as those with kidney disease or anxiety disorders."
A 2007 Consumer Reports analysis looked at 36 cups of decaffeinated coffee and found that some contained more than 20 mg, reported.

Caffine starts working within minutes
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, it takes about 30 to 60 minutes for caffeine to reach its peak level in the blood (one study found increased alertness can begin in as few as 10 minutes). The body typically eliminates half of the drug in three to five hours, and the remainder can linger for eight to 14 hours. Some people, particularly those who don't regularly consume caffeine, are more sensitive to the effects than others.
Sleep experts often recommend abstaining from caffeine at least eight hours before bedtime to avoid wakefulness at night.

Caffeine doesn't affect everyone the same way.
The body might process caffeine differently based on gender, race and even birth control use. New York magazine previously reported that women generally metabolise caffeine faster than men.
Smokers process it twice as quickly as nonsmokers do. Women taking birth-control pills metabolise it at perhaps one-third the rate that women not on the Pill do.
Asians may do so more slowly than people of other races.
In The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug, the authors hypothesise that a nonsmoking Japanese man drinking his coffee with an alcoholic beverage - another slowing agent - would likely feel caffeinated "about five times longer than an Englishwoman who smoked cigarettes but did not drink or use oral contraceptives."

Energy drinks often don't have more caffeine than coffee.
By definition, one might reasonably think that energy drinks would pack loads of caffeine. But many popular brands actually contain considerably less than an old-fashioned cup of black coffee.
A can of Red Bull, for instance, has a relatively modest 76 to 80 mg of caffeine, compared to the 95 to 200 mg in a typical cup of coffee, the Mayo Clinic reports.
What many energy drink brands frequently do have, though, is tons of sugar and hard-to-pronounce ingredients.

Dark roast coffees actually have less caffeine than lighter roasts.
A strong, rich flavour might seem to indicate an extra dose of caffeine, but the truth is that light roasts actually pack more of a jolt than dark roasts. The process of roasting burns off caffeine, NPR reported, meaning those looking for a less intense buzz might want to opt for the dark roast Java at the coffee shop.

Caffeine can be found naturally in more than 60 plants.
It's not just coffee beans: tea leaves, kola nuts (which flavour colas) and cocoa beans all contain caffeine.
The stimulant is found naturally in the leaves, seeds and fruits of a wide variety of plants. It can also be man-made and added to products.

Not all coffee has the same amount of caffeine.
When if comes to caffeine, all coffees are not created equal.
According to a recent report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, popular brands varied widely when it comes to the jolt they provide.
McDonald's, for instance, had 9.1 mg per fluid ounce, while Starbucks packed more than double that at a full 20.6 milligrams. The average

American consumes about 200 mg of caffeine a day.
According to the FDA, 80 per cent of U.S. adults consume caffeine each day, with an individual intake of 200 mg. To put that in real world terms, the average caffeine-consuming American drinks two 150ml cups of coffee or about four sodas.
While another estimate puts the total closer to 300mg, both numbers fall within the definition of moderate caffeine consumption, which is between 200 and 300mg, according to the Mayo Clinic. Daily doses higher than 500 to 600mg daily are considered heavy, and may cause problems such as insomnia, irritability and a fast heartbeat, among others.

But America is far from being the country that consumes the most.
According to a recent BBC article, Finland takes the crown for the country with the highest caffeine consumption, with the average adult downing 400mg each day.
Worldwide, 90 per cent of people use caffeine in some form, the FDA says. You can find caffeine in more than just drinks.
According to one FDA report, more than 98 per cent of our caffeine intake comes from beverages.
But those aren't the only sources of caffeine: certain foods, such as chocolate (though not much: a one-ounce milk chocolate bar contains only about 5mg of caffeine), and medications can also contain caffeine.
Combining a pain reliever with caffeine can make it 40 per cent more effective, the Cleveland Clinic reports, and can also help the body to absorb the medication more quickly.

Election 2013: 11 Labor and Coalition policy points you need to know


So here's our snapshot of 11 issues you should know about before you head to  the ballot box on Saturday.



Labor: The $44.1 billion National Broadband Network aims for speeds of 1000  megabytes per second (Mbps) or more by 2021.

Coalition: Significantly cheaper at $29.5 billion, but at much lower speeds  than those promised by their opponents. Abbott's broadband pledges at least  25-100 Mbps by 2016 and 50-100 Mbps by 2019.


Labor: Will stick with its existing scheme: 18 weeks paid at the minimum wage  and no superannuation.

Coalition: In one of its boldest (and most expensive) new policies, Mr Abbott  has committed to giving mothers 26 weeks paid leave at their current wage up to  a maximum annual earnings of $150,000. They will also be paid superannuation. It  has its fair share of critics, including some inside the party.


Labor: The leader supports it and the party allows a conscience vote. Mr Rudd  has committed to drafting legislation to legalise gay marriage within 100 days  if re-elected, though the law won't even come close to passing without the  Opposition allowing a conscience vote.

Coalition: Won't let that happen. Very little support within the party - not  that it matters, because the party line is to oppose any change to the Marriage  Act anyway.


Labor: Will keep its mining tax, despite the blows it's copped because of  it.

Coalition: Declared to tear the tax to pieces. It is expected to result in  billions in lost revenue for the government, but Mr Abbott says it is more  important to save the burden of the tax on families and businesses.


Labor: Will switch from its carbon tax to a carbon trading scheme from next  year, which forecasters say will generate a whopping $16 billion over four  years. Money will be invested in commercialising renewable energy ($10 billion  over five years) and another string of Labor's climate change policy is $1  billion in grants to manufacturers and food processors.

Coalition: Tearing up Labor's carbon tax is arguably the cornerstone of Mr  Abbott's long campaign to bring down the government. That will happen, and  Abbott also says the party will spend funds on programs such as planting trees  and encouraging businesses to reduce their carbon emissions.



Labor: Rudd made significant attempts to strengthen the party's policies to  stop the illegal people smuggling trade in the lead up to the election, with  deals for asylum seekers who arrive by boat to be resettled in Papua New Guinea  or Nauru and not Australia. He says the plan - which is bruised and battered -  will take time to prove it works.

Coalition: Abbott's "stop the boats" policy has six points, just don't ask Jaymes Diaz to recite them. It's a tough line approach, including turning back boats "where it's safe", refusing settlement in Australia and introducing a buy-back scheme where Indonesian boats suspected of being used for people smuggling are purchased by the government.


Labor: Rudd has pledged $500 million aimed at keeping the car industry alive  past 2020. It will be used to attract new investment in the industry, as well as  funds for Holden, Toyota and Ford.

Coalition: Abbott says the Labor plan is the equivalent of Rudd running after  the car industry with a blank cheque. He's defended attacks that he will kill  the car industry, says "handouts" aren't the answer, and pledges his party's  plans for the economy will make it better for businesses to thrive.



Labor: Remain committed to the Closing the Gap program, with focus on areas  such as education, employment, infant mortality and life expectancy. Progress  has been slow but the government argues real results will be seen in the long  term.

Coalition: Supports the targets of the Close the Gap program. Abbott has also  bolstered the party's commitment to indigenous affairs with a plan to establish  a Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council, which will be chaired by  Indigenous leader Warren Mundine.



Labor: $15 billion over six years aimed at delivering extra funding to  schools that need it most. Its Better Schools plan covers almost 80 per cent of  the country's pupils, though not all states have signed up to the Gonski  reforms.

Coalition: Will match Labor's deals and offers over four years from 2014. But  what about after 2014? Mr Abbott's plans after that are yet to be laid out.



Infrastructure helps drive the economy, and building roads may help drive  swinging voters. Both parties have committed to billions of dollars in road  funding, especially in highly marginal seats.

Labor: A hefty $800 million-plus promised, including $715 million to build  the Brisbane Cross River Rail.

Coalition: If elected, you might expect the roads to personally be coated in  gold by Mr Abbott. A whopping $18.5 billion has already been allocated to major  road works.



Labor: Will invest $34 million to open another 10 Headspace centres across  Australia to help young people with mental health issues. It will take the total  number of centres to 100, an investment supported by industry advocates.

Coalition: Will match Labor's commitment.

18 Sweet Tips For Facebook Page Posts


Facebook marketing is not as easy as it seems. Social media marketers have to impress and win the hearts of more than one billion, or at least ten thousand, active users on the world’s largest social networking site.


While reaching out to those people may sound mind-boggling, there are some useful tips that Facebook marketers can do to follow the right path. Some of these tips even apply to Facebook users.


Mike Maghsoudi, co-founder of Post Rocket, a website dedicated to Facebook marketing, recently posted a “sweet” infographic with brief but useful tips for Facebook Page posts. Mind the quoted word because the visuals will walk you through a candy store of chewable information surrounded by confectionery. Just enough to keep you energized on your online campaign.




1. Be valuable. If it’s not interesting, informative, or entertaining, don’t post it.


2. Be timely. “When” you post is just as important as “what” you post. Know when your fans are online and post accordingly.


3. Be visual. Visual content works. Compared to average posts, album posts have 180 percent more engagement, photos have 120 percent, and videos have 100 percent.


4. Be concise. Posts with less than 250 characters get 60 percent more engagement on average.


5. Be relevant. Cat memes are for pet shops, not restaurants. Stick to what you know.


6. Be human. People relate to other people, not companies. Speak genuinely with your brands voice.


7. Be current. Take note of upcoming Holidays and put your spin on current events. For example, the Oreo ad during the Superbowl blackout.


8. Ask for opinions. The best companies always listen to their customers. Ask for feedback and listen.


9. Mix it up. There are 9 post types: photo, video, link, status, question (poll), photo album, offer, milestone, and event. Try them all occasionally.


10. Give exclusives. Everyone enjoys being in a special and selective few. Reward “engagers” with relevant coupons, giveaways, etc.


11. Be local. When applicable, target posts to specific segments of your audience.


12. Post regularly. No “one-size-fits-all” frequency, but generally 1 to 3 posts per day is best for most pages.


13. Be analytical. Repeat after me, “Facebook Insights is my friend. My very best friend.” Numbers can be very telling.


14. Be “ad-smart.” Buy ads for your best posts to maximize results, but be careful not to spam.


15. Be celebratory. Use Facebook’s “Milestone” feature to celebrate your history and achievements.


16. Be prepared. Never be at loss for content, queue posts and keep a list of go-to sources for content.


17. Be responsive. Now in this era of social media more than ever, Fans expect and deserve replies (and quickly too)!


18. Be smart. Trying to optimize every one of your posts can be a time-consuming endeavor. Be smart and use a highly efficient, super effective third party tool such as Post Rocket.

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